Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Mark 10:14
Children mean the world to God. At the Xenia Church of Christ, we value our kids. We want to
offer a safe space to our kids as they learn, grow, and mature through God’s word. Jesus
continues in His discourse about children in Mark 10:15, “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not
receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” We acknowledge that although we
are here to teach our children, we can learn just as much from our children.
-Jacob Glaspell, Youth Minister
offer a safe space to our kids as they learn, grow, and mature through God’s word. Jesus
continues in His discourse about children in Mark 10:15, “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not
receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” We acknowledge that although we
are here to teach our children, we can learn just as much from our children.
-Jacob Glaspell, Youth Minister

Gatherings for children:
- We have Bible classes for all ages! From our infant "Babes in Arms" class to our High School class, there’s a place for each child to learn. Join us at our church building on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning worship begins at 10:30 a.m., shortly after Bible Classes.
- Also join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. where our children 1st grade to high school have Bible Classes specifically for them.
- We offer Children's Worship during the sermon portion of our church service. They will hear a short Bible lesson and engage in some hands on activities such as coloring or crafts.
- Also join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. where our children 1st grade to high school have Bible Classes specifically for them.
- We offer Children's Worship during the sermon portion of our church service. They will hear a short Bible lesson and engage in some hands on activities such as coloring or crafts.
At Xenia, we offer the Pray for Me Campaign. We partner each of our youth up with a Prayer Champion who prays over that student every day for one year. After that year is over, the student gets assigned a new Prayer Champion. From Birth-18, our students are prayed for each and every day.

Our VBS theme for 2024 is "OUR GOD IS AWESOME!"
We can't wait to see you July 14-17 @6pm.
We can't wait to see you July 14-17 @6pm.
Our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) offers our kids a place to come have fun and learn Biblical principles to apply to their lives! Our VBS team puts together fantastic skits, decorations, crafts, snacks, games and more to keep our kids wanting MORE! Plus, at the end of the week, we wrap it all up with a Carnival full of inflatables, games, Kona Ice, and prizes!