Update from Paul Renganathan
This is a message from Paul Renganathan whom the Xenia Church helps to support in his work of evangelism in Chennai, India.
Report from John Blay in Ghana
Greetings. These are some pictures of the recent Gospel Meeting held at Newtown and Balibangala

Report from Paul Renganathan
This report is from Paul Renganathan of Chennai, India. He mentions about a time of prayer in which a number of them participated. They have many needs of which some were mentioned. Please pray for the church in India!
Report from Vladimir Paziy
It is so good to receive a news report from Vladimir Paziy, evangelist to Ukraine who now lives with his wife and son in Warsaw, Poland. Please remember Vladimir and all the church from and still in Ukraine. They really need our prayers!
Report from Paul Renganathan
Brothers, This encouraging report comes from Paul Renganathan of Chennai, India. Please remember the church in India in your prayers.
Report from Paul Renganathan
This is a very encouraging report from Paul Renganathan of Chennai, India. Please remember the work in India in your prayers!
Update from Zachery Holmes with Financial Reports & Newsletter
We appreciate your continued prayers and support for the work in India. Recently, the efforts for India have been blessed with great financial support for printing and for the Telugu Bible School's work with World Video Bible School.
Our brethren rely on the printing press for all their instructional materials. As we can easily order materials online and have them shipped to our buildings, our Indian brethren rely exclusively on the printing press. The preaching schools, the orphanages, the evangelistic work of all our brethren will benefit from the blessings of these monies.
The Telugu Bible School's work can continue speedily in the translating of the English lessons to Telugu. It takes several qualified Christian men to translate, record, edit, and finalize the lessons to be sent to WVBS for upload to the Internet. Now these men have secured support for their work. Millions of souls will have access to sound Bible lessons in their own language because of this work.
Thank you,
We appreciate your continued prayers and support for the work in India. Recently, the efforts for India have been blessed with great financial support for printing and for the Telugu Bible School's work with World Video Bible School.
Our brethren rely on the printing press for all their instructional materials. As we can easily order materials online and have them shipped to our buildings, our Indian brethren rely exclusively on the printing press. The preaching schools, the orphanages, the evangelistic work of all our brethren will benefit from the blessings of these monies.
The Telugu Bible School's work can continue speedily in the translating of the English lessons to Telugu. It takes several qualified Christian men to translate, record, edit, and finalize the lessons to be sent to WVBS for upload to the Internet. Now these men have secured support for their work. Millions of souls will have access to sound Bible lessons in their own language because of this work.
Thank you,
Update from Paul Renganathan
March 5th marked the start of sewing school at teachers colony, Chennai. 25 ladies enrolled for the first group to learn

Update from Efiong Umoh of Nigeria
This is a message of deep gratitude concerning the water well our congregation helped to provide!
That's the water, God almighty bless you and the brethren over there in Jesus name Amen.
We are very grateful and excited for this love you had for us, God shall reward you in those good works and the brethren who in one way support this work Amen.
We are very grateful and excited for this love you had for us, God shall reward you in those good works and the brethren who in one way support this work Amen.

Update from Zachery Holmes
Latest as of October, 2023
Dear Brethren,
We are fast approaching our 2023 India campaign. On October 30 our team will depart from Nashville heading to India; we will arrive back on November 17. We desire your continued prayers for us and our families as we seek to do the will of the Lord in India. The following members make up the team this year:
Hugh Wayne Clark – elder, Willette church of Christ
Glenn Holmes – elder, West Huntsville church of Christ
Jack Honeycutt – minister, Willette church of Christ
Ralph Richardson – minister, New Hope church of Christ, Readyville, TN.
Sam Willcut – minister, Montrose church of Christ, Carthage, TN.
Zackery Holmes – India Mission coordinator
This year we have plans to do work in 5-7 areas. We will begin in the northeastern part of Andhra Pradesh and continue our campaign towards the southeast, even into a neighboring state. We will preach the gospel in remote mountainous areas and in fertile farming lands. We will preach in large cities and in the smallest of villages. We will stay in hotels, in the homes of our brethren, and even in tents (this we are excited to experience).
Our goal is to visit as many locations as possible during this campaign. This means many miles will be traveled, many congregations will be visited, many souls will hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is possible that all six team members could preach at least twice daily over a two-week period. This means the Gospel would be proclaimed over 150 times! May God be glorified in all that we do.
Thank you for your interest and prayers,
Zackery Holmes
We are fast approaching our 2023 India campaign. On October 30 our team will depart from Nashville heading to India; we will arrive back on November 17. We desire your continued prayers for us and our families as we seek to do the will of the Lord in India. The following members make up the team this year:
Hugh Wayne Clark – elder, Willette church of Christ
Glenn Holmes – elder, West Huntsville church of Christ
Jack Honeycutt – minister, Willette church of Christ
Ralph Richardson – minister, New Hope church of Christ, Readyville, TN.
Sam Willcut – minister, Montrose church of Christ, Carthage, TN.
Zackery Holmes – India Mission coordinator
This year we have plans to do work in 5-7 areas. We will begin in the northeastern part of Andhra Pradesh and continue our campaign towards the southeast, even into a neighboring state. We will preach the gospel in remote mountainous areas and in fertile farming lands. We will preach in large cities and in the smallest of villages. We will stay in hotels, in the homes of our brethren, and even in tents (this we are excited to experience).
Our goal is to visit as many locations as possible during this campaign. This means many miles will be traveled, many congregations will be visited, many souls will hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is possible that all six team members could preach at least twice daily over a two-week period. This means the Gospel would be proclaimed over 150 times! May God be glorified in all that we do.
Thank you for your interest and prayers,
Zackery Holmes
Latest report from Vladimir Paziy in Ukraine
Latest report from Paul Renganathan
June 2023 Africa Missions Update
Update from Cosmos Kaku
From Cosmos Kaku: "To the glory of God yesterday, Sunday we had one woman baptized. The Lord added her to His church. Praise the Lord."