Ukraine Missions
Vladimir Paziy; Konstantinova, Ukraine. Brother Paziy has preached at the church of Christ in the city of Konstantinova since 1999; since 2002 he has preached in the city of Kramatorsk. In addition to preaching and teaching the gospel, conducting home bible studies, and evangelistic outreach, he has also taught at the Denver Bible Institute since 2003, where both he and his wife are graduates. Vladimir also conducts on-line bible courses for students at the Institute and in the local community. His tireless efforts have led many to Christ.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to the evacuation of church members toplaces throughout Europe as well as some on the United States. Our congregation and others have provided support is for the Ukrainian churches through the Azalea City Church of
Christ in Semes, Alabama.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to the evacuation of church members toplaces throughout Europe as well as some on the United States. Our congregation and others have provided support is for the Ukrainian churches through the Azalea City Church of
Christ in Semes, Alabama.